📆 ✅ July 15-19 West Reading & Wyomissing Governance Meeting Agenda Items

Monday July 15:
Wyomissing Infrastructure Committee

When: Monday, July 15th starting at 12pm

Agenda Highlights:

  • 1200, 1300, 1400 blocks of Dauphin Avenue road work & curb replacement - see our previous coverage

  • PennDot State Hill Road work between Colony Drive and Spring Street, and required prep work by the borough

  • 50/50 Sidewalk Project bid results

  • Wyomissing Borough Hall & Police Department expansion feasibility study - options include partial or total demolition of exisiting Wyomissing Borough Hall, and/or purchase and renovation of other building locations (details included in the meeting documents)

  • Commonwealth Charter Academy snow melt sidewalks

  • Wyomissing Blvd. median island paving in front of Atonement - potential decoration by Girl Scouts

  • Split Rail Fence Replacement in the parklands

Angela adds…

The last item, the split rail fence which is being removed from the parklands, has been a point of discussion in multiple meetings over the past few months.

The split rail fence lines part of Old Wyomissing Road, terminating at Ruth’s Bridge. The fence is purely aesthetic and does not serve a structural purpose. The fence is being removed due to decay.

Proponents for replacing the fence cite the fence’s visual appeal in the parklands.

Arguments against replacing the fence include the cost of reinstallation and maintenance. Wyomissing Borough parkland consultants Floura Teeter recommend against replacing the fence as it is in the flood plain of the creek.

This conversation will be resumed at the Wyomissing Infrastructure Committee Meeting on Monday.

For more details on the July 15th Wyomissing Infrastructure Committee meeting:

Tuesday July 16:
West Reading Borough Council

When: Tuesday, July 16th starting at 6pm

Agenda Highlights:

West Reading Residents: To email a public comment, send to [email protected] before noon on the date of the meeting. Use a subject line with the meeting date “(i.e., 8/17/21) Public Comment”, and include your name and address.

  • Parking amendments: considering some 20-minute parking spaces on Penn Ave, several parking alterations to 300 block of South 7th Ave, and 3-hour parking on South 3rd Ave. from Penn to Court

  • Extension of local disaster emergency proclamation through August 20, 2024 Council meeting

  • Experimental parking regulations prohibiting parking on Clark Alley and Grape Street

  • Reading Hospital Road Run: approving event for Sunday, Oct. 20 and waiving fees for traffic control

  • Allowing a police officer to use four weeks of personal sick time for family sick leave

For more details on the July 16th West Reading Borough Council meeting:

July 16:
Wyomissing Personnel Committee

When: Tuesday, July 16th starting at 11am

Agenda Highlights:

  • update on First Responders Wellness Program

  • executive session for personnel matters

For more details on the July 16th Wyomissing Personnel Committee Meeting:

Tuesday July 16:
Wyomissing Recreation Board

Wyomissing Pool

Wyomissing Pool

When: Tuesday, July 16th starting at 6pm

Agenda Highlights:

Angela adds…

Adam Berkeley, who is up for consideration as a voting member of the Wyomissing Recreation Board, is my partner - we moved back to Cleveland Avenue, to the block I grew up on, in December of last year. Adam’s letter of interest is included in the meeting documents.

For more details on the July 16th Wyomissing Recreation Board Meeting:

Wednesday July 17:
Wyomissing Refuse & Recycling Committee

When: Wednesday, July 17th starting at 3pm

Agenda Highlights:

For more details on the July 17th Wyomissing Refuse & Recycling Meeting:

Friday July 19:
Wyomissing Civil Service Commission

When: Friday, July 19th starting at 12pm

Agenda not yet available.