đź“Ťđźšś Wyomissing Zoning Hearing & Borough Council Updates

Wyomissing Borough had two meetings of note on July 9th.

The Wyomissing Zoning Hearing Board considered testimony from RM Palmer Company and borough residents on a new application for zoning variances for the company’s property on Van Reed Road.

Wyomissing Borough Council also met, largely covering routine borough business.

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RM Palmer Company Application to Wyomissing Zoning Hearing Board

On July 9th, the Wyomissing Zoning Hearing Board heard testimony regarding RM Palmer’s new application for zoning variances at a property on Van Reed Road.

For background on this application, see the previous Wyo-WR Wire post.

WFMZ was on site to cover the hearing and provided a thorough overview of the proceedings in their article.

Additional information of note:

Due to time constraints on use of the borough meeting room, the meeting was continued. The Zoning Hearing Board will meet on Wednesday, July 31st at 2pm for any needed deliberation with the intention of delivering a decision on the RM Palmer Company application.

For more details on the RM Palmer Company Application:

Wyomissing Borough Council updates

Wyomissing Stone House

Wyomissing Stone House

The July 9th Wyomissing Borough Council meeting was largely routine.

  • borough council and staff briefly recapped the success of the July 4th parade and celebrations, and opportunities for next year

  • a borough ordinance was approved to discontinue the cooperation agreement between the Wyomissing and Township of Spring fire companies

  • the public works garage that is under construction is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2024

  • the contract for the base scope of work for the Stone House Project has been awarded so that work can begin

Angela adds…

I moved back to the area after the Stone House ADA parking lot discussions had happened, so I missed them and everything that happened around them.

I don’t know whether this was the best solution for ADA compliance at the Stone House. What I do know is I always support ADA compliance.

That’s because

- I’m disabled
- anyone can be disabled at any time, and
- ADA compliance benefits everyone in the community.

For example, curb cut ramps, which were created for people in wheelchairs, are used primarily by people with strollers, scooters, walkers, carts, and rolling luggage.

As people get older, they tend to have more mobility issues, and the population of Wyomissing and of the USA are getting older.

And at the same time, ADA compliance benefits younger folks like me as well - I’ve had a leg injury that has severely impacted my mobility for a year now. You may see me around town using a rollator in my injury recovery, depending on how far I’m walking and how tired my leg is.

We’ll have youth athletes with injuries, and other folks who have accidents. With this ADA compliant parking lot, the Stone House will be more accessible to all of us, no matter what happens in our lives. None of us ever know when we, or our family members or friends or neighbors, will need ADA accommodations, and we all benefit from ADA compliance in unnoticed ways all the time.

For more information on the creation of this legislation, I recommend the Oscar-nominated documentary Crip Camp (NOTE: rated R for mature themes), available on Netflix and Youtube. My mentor, Judy Heumann, is featured in the documentary.

For more details on the Tot Lot eligibility changes: