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  • 💰🚧 Wyomissing Financial Reserves, Mold Testing the Mall: Updates from Wyomissing Planning, Finance, and upcoming Borough Council Agenda

💰🚧 Wyomissing Financial Reserves, Mold Testing the Mall: Updates from Wyomissing Planning, Finance, and upcoming Borough Council Agenda

Committees also approved purchase of new street sweeper, and expansion of State Hill parking lot.

The Wyomissing Planning Commission met August 5th, and the Wyomissing Finance & Administration Committee met August 8th.

The Planning Commission reviewed a revised plan for parking lot updates for State Hill Craft Cocktails & Kitchen.

At the Finance & Administration Committee, committee members observed that borough spending is depleting financial reserves, including through the use of financing. The committee approved purchase of a new street sweeper and mold testing at the Berkshire Mall.

Also included below are agenda items for the Wyomissing Borough Council meeting on Tuesday, August 13th at 7pm.

State Hill Craft Cocktails & Kitchen - Final Plan Submission

At the August 5th Wyomissing Planning Commission meeting, State Hill Craft Cocktails & Kitchen presented a revised plan for expanding the parking lot at 1 Wellington Blvd.

  • Expansion of parking lot

  • Light plan revised per previous instructions

  • Concerns about dumpster location - owner requested moving dumpster away from the building due to the smell, but the commission was concerned that this puts the dumpster closer to neighboring lots

  • Stormwater management plan has potential for sinkholes, which would be property owner's responsibility

  • Intended 6-foot privacy fence and loading/unloading areas not marked in plan

  • Forwarded to Wyomissing Borough Council for conditional approval, subject to a revised plan with the dumpster near the restaurant, and addition of fencing and loading/unloading areas to plan

For more details:

Wyomissing Borough Spending & Reserves, New Street Sweeper, Berkshire Mall Mold Testing

The Wyomissing Finance & Administration Committee met on August 8th to discuss items including borough spending, mold testing at the Berkshire Mall, and purchasing a demo street sweeper.

  • PFM Financial Advisors presentation on financing strategy

    • Committee members noted that the borough is financing a lot of costs, including of purchases (ex. firetruck) that were deferred in previous years

    • Financing and spending are cutting into Wyomissing borough financial reserves

    • Committee members recommend a close look at spending patterns - to make necessary purchases while maintaining financial reserves as much as possible

  • Borough manager recommended switching borough insurance broker from Loomis to EHD for improved service

  • Purchase of a demo street sweeper approved as recommended by Infrastructure committee

    • Current street sweeper has needed extensive repairs in 2024, necessitating renting a sweeper on multiple occasions

    • Demo street sweeper available for $330k+: includes trade-in of current sweeper

    • Current sweeper manufactured in 2017, has known engine issues - engines were discontinued

  • Berkshire Mall Mold Testing:

    • Evidence of mold due to multiple roof leaks (including in closed Bon Ton area of mall)

    • Areas closed to public, but odor of mold is pervasive in publicly accessible spaces

    • The borough has no enforcement options for remediation

    • Wyomissing borough concerned about public safety and exposure

    • Positive mold testing could support the borough filing injunction against the mall to force repair of damage causing mold

      • Possibility mall could be condemned

    • Mall is in 18-month due diligence process for purchase - prospective owners aware of issue, could impact purchase deal

    • Committee approved testing for mold and air quality at Wyomissing borough expense

For more details:

Tuesday August 13th: Wyomissing Borough Council Agenda Items

Wyomissing Borough Hall

Wyomissing Borough Hall

Time: Tuesday, August 13th, starts at 7pm

Agenda Highlights:

  • recap of committee & commission meetings in past month

  • approval of purchase of a new street sweeper

    • current street sweeper, purchased in 2017, has engine that has since been discontinued - required much maintenance this year

  • approval of stop signs at Hill Avenue and George Avenue, and amending parking on Hill Avenue

  • motion to authorize the maturing PLGIT to remain a PLGIT class account

  • motion to change commercial zoning officer to McCarthy Engineering Associates, and to make Wyomissing Borough Manager Michele Bare the alternate commercial zoning officer

For more details: