🛍️📊 West Reading Budget & Borough Council Updates

The West Reading EAC meeting scheduled for Monday August 26th was cancelled.

West Reading Borough Council met on Tuesday August 27th to discuss police officer hiring processes and the borough budget.

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West Reading Environmental Advisory Council Meeting Cancelled

West Reading Meeting Cancelled

The West Reading Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) meeting scheduled for Monday August 26th was cancelled.

The West Reading EAC is scheduled to meet next on Monday September 23rd starting at 6pm.

West Reading Borough Council Updates

The Wyomissing pool

West Reading Borough Council met on Tuesday August 27th. Meeting proceedings included:

  • removing Act 120 requirements in the hiring of police officers, approved pending solicitor & police chief review, in favor of:

    • raising cutoff age of police officer applicants from 18 to 21 (standard for Berks county)

    • hiring candidates who have not yet been through police academy - put them through police academy

    • 18-month probationary period - 6 months in academy, 12 months probationary period as officer (extended from 12 months to account for academy)

  • approved reopening South Second Avenue pending completion of construction projects

  • approval of Fleet Feet 20th Anniversary event

  • budget discussion

    • discussion on West Reading Borough contributions to West Reading Main Street operating expenses as well as submissions for reimbursement and other operational support provided by the borough

      • West Reading Main Street has not maintained Main Street designation and therefore is not seeing benefits

      • want to discuss requirements for ongoing collaboration between West Reading Borough and Community Revitalization Foundation

    • replacing 2015 fire utility truck & auctioning off existing truck

    • incentivizing volunteer firefighters

      • have lost 7 volunteers to moves/career changes

      • incentive plan based on Spring Township program - incentive check based on participation points, max reward $599 annually

      • may need to increase staffing in long-term

    • like Wyomissing, West Reading is considering management of feral cat colonies

For more details: